Courtney Spisak

Pixel art self portrait made in Aseprite

My name is Courtney Spisak. I was born and raised in the San Fransisco Bay Area. My fondness for the arts began at the young age of five. It was at this time that I attended an after school art camp learning to draw and paint Pokemon characters. My five year old self thought this was truly magical. From there I spent several summers in different art camps. Another form of art that is part of who I am is music. I began with formal piano lessons at the age of nine, and as the years progressed I continued to pick up other instruments. These include flute, mallet percussion, and most recently guitar. My passion for the visual arts really grew when I started bead weaving which was inspired by my Native American roots. This led to my interest in pixel art and then expanded more into the digital realm.  

My aspiration is to pursue a career in the video game industry as a 3D modeling artist. I greatly enjoy making three dimensional creations appear from an empty workspace and evolve. I want to use games as an artistic medium that utilizes interactivity in a meaningful way. I am motivated to help design and develop games around different concepts including psychology, philosophy, and horror. My favorite style of games are those with a deep story that encourage the player to delve into their emotions and think critically.  

Aside from art I also enjoy traveling, spending time with family and friends, running, swimming, and playing Dungeons and Dragons.